Member-only story
Rediscovering The Simple Joys Of Reading Physical Books
The joys of reading — good old-fashioned books
Imagine telling my great-grandfather that 70 years later, you would have the ability to carry your entire book library in the palm of your hand.
I wonder what his reaction would be like. Amusement? Shock and skepticism? Joy?
I love eBooks.
They offer a convenience that is almost mind-boggling if someone from three generations ago were to think about it. Yet, for all the technological innovation and convenience eBooks bring, there are priceless pleasures that the bits and bytes of eBooks cannot replace:
1. The Smell
Before I got into eBooks, I was the weird kid in the Borders bookshop going around and sniffing the stacks of freshly printed books on its shelves.
The smell of opening a freshly printed book for the first time — oh so heavenly.
They remind me of the warm embrace of a friend. Books were there when people…