It’s A Dog’s Life, I Tell You
i prowl
sizing you up
today is the day
i end you
you ugly green thing, you
but you squeak
you think you so tough,
staring at me with those soulless eyes
taunting me
i bare my teeth,
ready to pounce
i am strong and powerful, right?
my human laughs
she sends you flying against the wall
ha, I have her on my side,
you ugly green thing
i pounce,
ripping my teeth into your side
roundhouse kick
i took some smacks to the head
but that’s okay
you lie,
a groan escapes your mouth in a squeak
a fanfare to my triumphant entry
i did a good job, didn’t i?
the human loves me
and I love her
she cradles me in her arms
saying words
i can’t really
make out the words
but I know she loves me
i can smell the happiness
did she have a good day too?
and oh, that watermelon!
it’s sweetness dancing
like nectar of the gods
on my tongue
a reward for a job well done
i scored one
against you
i’m a good boy, am i?
some days,
i try to fit
my foot
into my ear
i dunno why
but it feels nice?
other days
i battle with
i push
i pull
it doesn’t move
i’m scared
i don’t know
what to do
is this so confusing
i really need a wee
is my pee coming out?
oh but wait
my human can help me
she’s tall and strong too
just like me
i creep over
i know she likes this
i arrange my
face accordingly
she loves me, right?
but no she has her eyes fixated
on this thing with moving pictures
i think I saw me running on it before
i don’t understand these things
sometimes she shouts and screams at it
i guess it means a lot to her
i’m not sure why
but you can’t eat it
what’s so interesting about
this thing?
did you know
if I sit
very well
and look at the human
with this expression
she stays home
a while longer?
i think it works
on other humans too
they like to
rub my head
sometimes I hear squeals
is it happiness?
i dunno,
but it gets me stuff
and belly rubs
i like this expression
i guess it means a lot to them?
humans point at me
call me names
is it something on my face?
is my hair funny?
i dunno
it’s just a dog’s life
its hard,
i tell you